Join us for the 23nd Annual Mountaineer Golf Outing

Support Zion’s Mountaineer Fund by joining us for a fun day at the Mountaineer Golf Outing on Saturday, September 24, 2022, at beautiful Diamond Springs Golf Course.
Make a Joyful Shout

Zion’s kindergarteners recited Psalm 100:1-5 from memory during the Moms & Muffins program. “Make a joyful shout to the Lord, all you lands! Serve the Lord with gladness; Come before His presence with singing. Know that the Lord, He is God; It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves; We are His […]
Game Day Updates

DUE TO WEATHER, we are waiting for final word about the soccer and baseball games that were scheduled for today. PLEASE STAY TUNED FOR UPDATES! Thank you! Please don’t forget to “like” and follow our Zion Athletics page on Facebook and Instagram ( and for the latest updates on your Zion athletic teams (scores, […]
Annual Spring Dinner

Last night, parents, staff, friends, and supporters of Zion Christian School gathered for the Annual Spring Dinner hosted at StoneWater Country Club to enjoy an evening of fellowship and reflection on God’s faithfulness to Zion. There was a time of singing praises in worship, exhortation of God’s word presented by Dr. Sacha Walicord, and exciting […]
5th Grade Goes Out to the Ballgame

On Wednesday, Zion Christian’s 5th grade class attended a Whitecaps baseball game after receiving free tickets for reaching their goal of reading 15 minutes a day for the month of March. They exceeded their goal and read 21,142 minutes! Zion’s students had a fun time together at the ball game even though the Whitecaps lost. […]