Zion Christian School was founded on the deep conviction that Christian education is the responsibility of the covenant community. We seek to train up our children in the fear and admonition of the Lord, enabling them to apply His Word to every aspect of their lives.
Our mission is to provide a transformative education for students based on a wholehearted commitment to the authoritative Word of God. We seek to cultivate the skills and abilities of young minds, teaching them to learn and live based on their relationship with Jesus Christ, for the glory of God.
We believe a Christian school is an extension of a Christian home. It is imperative that the instruction and climate of our school agrees and supports the teaching of the homes and churches of our students’ families.
Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved, but abides forever.
Psalm 125:1
These tenets provide an overview of our faith statement.
For our full philosophy statement, click here.
- The Bible is the supreme authority for every aspect of faith and life. All spheres and domains of life, education included, must be subject to the ordinances of God, and serve to His glory.
- Scripture is God’s inspired, infallible, inerrant, authoritative, authentic, and Holy Word.
- Students learn to interpret God’s Word (exegesis), learn from God’s Word (doctrine), have God’s Word written on their hearts (memorization), learn to witness and defend God’s Word (apologetics), and finally, learn to live God’s Word (James 1:22).
- God directly created the universe in six consecutive days, with morning and evening enclosing the beginning and ending of each day, from no preexisting substance. Both naturalistic and theistic evolution must be rejected. Everything has been made by God, upheld by God, and reveals God. Therefore, facts are not neutral but are only truly understood when they are interpreted as God has created them and as He interprets them in His Word.
- Scripture, rather than political opinion or social sensitivities, provides for us the foundation for godly living and shapes our perspectives on matters such as abortion, gender roles, homosexuality, idolization of sports, popularity, etc.
Salvation is by particular and effectual sovereign grace alone, through faith alone, through the active and passive obedience of Christ alone.
Students learn of church history, particularly as it relates to the doctrines reinforced in, and creeds and confessions borne out of, the Protestant Reformation. Particular emphasis is given to the five points of Calvinism.
Priority is given to the singing of psalms and hymns, as well as the use of the Reformed creeds and confessions, in order that another generation might be profoundly affected by such treasures rooted in God’s Word.
God’s sovereign covenant faithfulness in ALL spheres of life and learning is accentuated.
Without an emphasis upon godly living and discipleship, even the best of training is in vain. Christian education must cultivate an atmosphere that reflects the priorities and appearances of God’s Kingdom, rather than those of the world. This must be evidenced in language, conduct, cross-generational interaction, apparel, and physical appearance.
Sanctified works are emphasized as a gift of God, to be done in thankfulness to Him for His great work of redemption on our behalf. As only God Himself will bring about the consummation of His Kingdom, we must not consider the works of our hands as a means of redeeming the culture of this age. Instead, we live lives of faithful service, seeking to extend God’s Kingdom by evangelizing sinners, even as we await Christ’s return, not before or after a millennial reign, but as a thief in the night according to His sovereign will.
Emphasis is placed on finding and retaining teachers and staff who are Christ-like in both faith and practice, are exceptionally gifted in their field of study and their ability to disciple children, and declare full agreement with the school’s philosophy of education.
While we place strong emphasis on our Reformed heritage, it is our purpose not only to enlighten students of this perspective, but also to challenge our students to defend and confess what they believe. Thus, liberal and modern thought is also presented in the classroom and critiqued by teachers and students in light of God’s Word.
Students are presented with the gospel of Jesus Christ each and every day as they see the fruits of God’s faithfulness in the lives (sinners though they be) of teachers, staff, and coaches.
Students are challenged to grow in their knowledge of self and the all-sufficiency of Christ as Lord and as Savior, bringing a better understanding of how to serve Him and their neighbor.
In 1998, a group of concerned parents holds an exploratory meeting with representatives from several area churches to explore the possibility of a school. Soon after, Dr. William Dennison speaks to a group of potential supporters on the subject “Recovering Reformed Christian Education.” In November 1998, Zion Christian High School holds its first official association meeting and begins fundraising for its operating budget. The following year, the association elects the first official Board of Directors. In fall 1999 Zion Christian High School holds its first classes at the Home School Building in Wyoming, Michigan for fifteen students.
In 2000, the school relocates to Hudsonville, Michigan and leases portable classrooms adjacent to Cornerstone United Reformed Church. Two years later, grades 5 through 8 are added thanks to the requests of many families. Zion is blessed with more supporting families and relocates again in 2003, this time to its current and permanent locale on the corner of 76th Street and Byron Center Avenue. Grades pre-k through 4 are added. The following year tiered parking is added, as well as baseball, softball, and soccer fields.
Over summer 2005 Zion breaks ground on a large addition, nearly doubling the size of our facility. Included in the expansion is a gym, classrooms, computer lab, library, science lab, music room, and kitchen. Four years later three classrooms, new offices, and a teacher lounge are added.
In 2012, Zion welcomes two sections of kindergarten for the first time, expanding two classrooms and adding two more to accommodate the growth. Two years later, the Board of Directors introduces a plan to expand the elementary wing once again. The next month, a local Christian school closes, resulting in a spike in enrollment for Zion. The need for more space is suddenly very evident. Per Zion’s policy, the team cannot break ground until the funds are available to complete the project. Zion breaks ground on the new elementary wing in November 2014. Due to funds, the plan is to finish one classroom, the shell of four more, and a set of restrooms. However, with God’s abundant blessings, Zion is able to finish all five classrooms, restrooms, regrade and install a new playground, and install a new set of restrooms for the gym.
In 2022, Zion broke ground on more additions to accommodate our growing student population. The additions include space for industrial arts, 4 classrooms, and a science prep area. Zion Christian continues to be a premier private school in the greater Grand Rapids area, trusted by families looking for a reformed, Christian education for their students. We offer rigorous academics, a solid faith foundation, and a variety of extracurriculars to grow and develop young minds.
Our Board of Directors serves as the guiding body to assist with governing the school. The Board has 7 members who serve between 2- and 4-year terms. Board members must be from a supporting church, and only two Board members per church at one time. A majority of the Board membership must be from the United Reformed Church membership.
Mike Toonstra
Church: Bethany URC
Eric Wierenga
Vice President
Church: Dutton URC
Craig Baker
Church: Cedar OPC
Phil Runner
Church: Messiah’s Independent Reformed
Ryan Bultman
Church: Dutton URC
Tom Vander Wall
Church: Bethany URC
Steve Johnson
Church: Cornerstone URC
Association Bylaws
The Bylaws govern the organization of Zion Christian School and help guide the decisions of our Board of Directors.